Rupert shopping cart Karl

Tchotchke* Holiday

Join me in maledictions on all dollar-godded utilitarians.”Thomas Cole, in a letter to Asher B. Durand

Formally this project explores modern media communication as expression of cultural codes, symbols presented as visual signs and metaphors for western culture. I construct my own visual codes, vocabulary and messages through invented sign systems. The work is in the form of large and small-scale prints that use loose narrative graphic advertising language through combinations of digitally rendered signs, drawings and photographs.

Conceptually tchotchke holiday, resurrects traditional western cultural tropes in the arts, that of the fool, the carnivalesque and the masque, using modern nonsecular political and social satire themes of deadly “scenes” as characterized by the motives of modern day politicians and other power structures. Using the graphic language of Spanish, Italian, and English commedia del arte and the satirical iconography of the masques of the commedia, carnival types are recast as present day American political leaders as invitation to the spectacle.

* something inexpensive and decorative, a trinket, ornament, or souvenir, promotional items that are handed out at trade shows
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